Sorin Oak on the St. Edward's campus


Student success is worth your investment. Your financial gift to St. Edward’s University shows your commitment to championing leaders and innovators who improve society.

Shaping Hearts and Minds

When you give to St. Edward’s, you keep the promise of a Holy Cross education. Donors like you make it possible for: 

  • More students to embark on a hilltop journey
  • An enriched campus experience for every student
  • Generations of talented students and professors to make their mark on Austin and beyond

Give Now

Graduates wear caps and gowns and walk around the university seal during the Legacy Walk.

Ways to Give

Your gift makes a huge difference for Hilltoppers today and beyond. Explore your options to make a financial gift to St. Edward’s.

What You'll Be Supporting

Strategic Plan 2027

Support the St. Edward’s mission and students by Investing in our plans for continued excellence and key priorities for the future.

The St. Edward’s Fund

Supporting every aspect of the St. Edward’s experience, this fund provides essential funding for campus life and learning on the hilltop. Your gift funds scholarships, student activities and experiential learning.

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